Getting auto insurance for a teenage driver in your home is costly. The increased cost for auto insurance is justified by insurance companies for the simple fact that teenagers are a in higher risk category than everyone else.
Do you know the crash rate per mile driven for 16-19 year-olds is four times the risk for older drivers? This risk drives the cost of your automotible insurance a lot higher.
There are some steps you can take to keep the increased insurance premiums down.
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Have your teenager take a defensive driver course if the state you live in doesn’t already require a defensive driver course to obtain a drivers licence.
Add the teenage driver to your auto insurance policy, this is cheaper than having your teenager get their own insurance.
Consider combining your home insurance and auto insurance if you haven’t already. Most insurance companies will give you a discount on your insurance if you have more than one type of insurance coverage.
Shop around for the auto insurance rates. Since you’re adding a teenage driver and maybe another car now is probably a good time to comparison shop for car insurance rates.