When shopping for auto insurance rates you should also consider additional auto insurance coverage beyond the minimums set by the state you live in. Most states require you to have bodily liability and property liability coverage.
The minimum bodily coverage will probably be around $15,000 for death or injury of any one person, any one accident and $30,000 for all persons in any one accident. The minimum amount of property liability coverage will probably be around $5,000.
Auto Insurance
Getting the bare minimum amount of coverage isn’t recommended. You will be liable for any property damage and medical expenses beyond the auto insurance coverage you have if the accident is your fault. You can and probably will be sued if you don’t have enough insurance coverage.
That being said, we definitely recommend getting the most coverage you can afford. Yes, your auto insurance premiums will be higher but at least you will be able to sleep at night knowing you are adequately insured.
You should also consider additional auto insurance coverage. Insurance companies must also offer the following types of coverage with your automobile insurance policy.
Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage
Uninsured and Underinsured motorist coverage is a must. This type of car insurance provides liability insurance when the other driver does not have the required minimum liability coverage. This will also cover you if the other driver’s auto insurance coverage is insufficient to cover the injuries you sustained in an accident and if the other driver doesn’t have insurance.
Some auto insurance companies will also offer the following optional coverages. Payments for Medical, provides for the payment of medical and similar expenses without regard for liability.
Collision Insurance and Comprehensive Insurance
Physical Damage, collision and comprehensive. Collision covers damage to your auto caused by collision with another vehicle or with any other object, regardless of fault.
Collision car insurance also covers you when a vehicle overturns, but does not cover bodily injury or property damage liability. Comprehensive coverage covers damage to your car caused by reason other than collision, such as fire, theft, windstorm, flood, vandalism, etc.
Auto Insurance Riders
Auto insurance riders for after-market additions on your car like special tires, rims and sound systems. Coverage for towing and rental reimbursement especially if you only have one vehicle.
1 comment:
I wasn't convinced with the idea of obtaining an additional auto insurance coverage beyond the minimum level set. But after reading the explanation that you have provided in this article I am convinced.
business liability insurance
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